Sunday, January 3, 2010

Let's go 3-D!

So it's New Years weekend and like millions of other individuals I headed to the theater to catch the new Avatar movie. Blowing (too much money) on tickets and (way too much money) on snacks, I looked down at my ticket and noticed we were watching the flick in...3-D!

"Oh great" I joked with my fellow movie goer. "I can't wait to put on my silly paper glasses of red and blue" Boy was I wrong.

The glasses we received were not of the cheese I remember, but thick black plastic with "plain" lenses. And once the movie began, the screen literally came to life. To see creatures and images leap forward off the screen to me in my seat was a revelation. And I said to myself what any self-respecting event designer would: When can I do this.

Imagine it: 3-D would bring wonders to event design. Attend an event, don some funky glasses and experience video projected images come to dimensional reality right in front of your eyes. It adds completely new layers to conceptual design. Not only are their real props, but 3-D video props and environmental features popping off the screen This would be the personalization of experience. Integrate augmented reality and interactive 3-D video and you the guests would choose your own experience.

Now who is to say this would be functional? The level of sophistication and planning to craft an experience that was not Disney-fied as a "walk-through" expereince but could exist over-time would be extensive. Still I love the thought of the challenge. So techies tell me: how soon before I can play with the third dimension?

(The movie was a visual splendor by the way. Not my favorite script of the year, and for the reason though I am sure it will be offered the Oscar, I can think of better choices, but COMPLETELY worth seeing for the visuals. This is the stuff of a chocolate factory: pure imagination. It also tells me hyper-color is on its way back in. See the movie and then tell me if you don't agree.)

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